
Women of the Sea

Hace un año unos amigos salimos a disfrutar del Pacífico en Puerto Vallarta. Le pedí a mis amigas Diana y Grecia que modelaran para mí y tomé varias fotos. Por alguna razón esta foto la deje sin terminar. Hay veces que mi mente se satura y ya no puedo ver que es lo que pensaba ver en una foto. 

Cuando pasa esto, apago la computadora y lo dejo para el siguiente día. En este caso, el siguiente año. Aquí el antes y después para obtener lo quería expresar.

About a year ago, some friends and myself headed west to enjoy the Pacific Ocean in Puerto Vallarta. As usual, I asked my friends Diana and Grecia to model for me and got a few good shots. For some reason I left this picture unfinished. Sometimes, when I am editing, my mind has too much information and I end up not liking the result. I cannot see what it is a wanted to see in a picture.

When this happens, I close the computer (and my mind) and leave it for the next day, this case, the next year. Here's a before & after to get the mood I was looking for. 

Power of Friendship

When I'm not creating self-portraits, I'm usually asking my friends if I can take pictures of them. I guess I consider myself an introvert, and working with friends definitely gets my creative juices going and my nerves a bit calmer.

You may have seen that in most of my images, a beautiful redhead appears.

Let me introduce you to the soul behind the character, my dear and great friend Grecia. She has always supported me and my photography; I know I can count on her every time I have a creative outburst and HAVE to take a weird photograph of her posing in a strange way or running into a solid bookcase.

I always know that even if I didn’t get the shot, at least I had a great time.